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Valencia has been named the healthiest place to live in the world. Want to find out why?
Valencia boasts unique spots for triathlons. The city's location right beside the sea, climate and surroundings make it the perfect space for this Olympic sport
Visit Valencia's air-raid shelters. Get the opening hours and take a guided tour of the shelters that protected the population from bombing attacks during the Spanish Civil War
If you like golden sands by the sea. When you want to bathe in the sun on your towel (always with a good sunscreen) or relax under a parasol with a drink nearby... then your place in the world is the beaches of Valencia. Without doubt the best plan.
Don't miss our city's tourist attractions. Click here and Find which are the Must See Routes in Valencia, Come and Enjoy our city!
Monday to Friday: 9am to 6pm
Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays: 10am to 2pm
Closed: December 25, January 1 and 6.
WHATSAPP: +34 667 630 430 (same schedule)
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Discover all the questions and answers about the Fallas of Valencia. What are the Fallas, the mascletàs, the ninots... everything you need to know about the festival.
Be prepared to buy anything from cava with protected designation of origin to chocolate, cold cuts or Valencian mistelle (a sweet, fortified, white wine). But also, hand-painted silk fashion, artisan jewellery, hats and handmade fans. In Valencia there are proposals for all tastes.