Valencia, LGBTIQ+ friendly

Surely you know Somewhere over the rainbow, that song that tells of a magical place on the other side of the rainbow where the sky is blue and the dreams you dare to dream come true. Well, you're in luck!
You've come to an open city, one that is full of vivid, sun-drenched hues, and a zest for life. If you already know it, you have doubtless experienced this. If it's your first time, give yourself the pleasure of diving in headfirst, and make the city your own. It is a tolerant place that embraces the colours of diversity like few others.
In Valencia the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple flag flies proudly. Valencia is the city that understands. Will you join us?


Ready to enjoy a thousand delights in an inclusive and tolerant place. Do you need reasons to come? Here they are:

El tiempo

The Mediterranean climate and light

Mediterranean light is at its best here, and sunny weather is a constant all year round.

Ocio en Valencia

Joy in the air

Here you can enjoy both the day and the night to the fullest. You will enjoy your experiences "a la luna de València" (“in the Valencian moonlight”).


An ideal size

Cosmopolitan and traditional at the same time. And an ideal size. You will be able to get around the city centre on foot.

Valencia, a diverse city

Diverse, open, and welcoming, Valencia is proud to be a city that is tolerant and sensitive to all its visitors.


Torres de Serranos
Tips for restless culture vultures
World Paella Day
Foodies, welcome to the flavours of the Mediterranean
chicas de compras
Going shopping in Valencia, a huge variety
Disco Valencia
Day or night, Valencia is the city with infinite plans
Rio Turia
Kilometers of nature and fun
Spa Valencia
Massage & Spas

Valencia, host city for the 2026 Gay Games

Valencia is proud to be an inclusive and diverse city, which is why it has been chosen to host the Gay Games XII from May 25 to June 7, 2026, an international sporting and cultural event whose basic principles are participation, inclusion, and self-improvement.

Gay Games 2026


This is the doyen of clubs of this type in València. Samarucs offers dance, fitness, football, swimming, quidditch, running, rowing, taekwondo, theatre, tennis, beach volleyball and volleyball. Its Samaruc Dones section has managed to make LBT+ sportswomen more visible, encourage greater female involvement in the different sections and increase the number of club members.
Samarucs Samarucs
Estadio de Fútbol
This club offers a full programme of disciplines: cycling, kayak-polo, swimming, quidditch, running, hiking and volleyball. They also organise family sports and leisure activities.
Dracs Dracs València



Liga basket
From 22/03/2025 to 22/03/2025
Basketball League games of Valencia Basket in La Fonteta


Liga de fútbol 2022
From 30/03/2025 to 30/03/2025
Watch the best soccer matches live in the Mestalla stadium


IRONMAN 70.3 en València
From 27/04/2025 to 27/04/2025
IRONMAN 70.3: enjoy a race that has it all


Gran Fondo Internacional Marcha Ciudad València 2021
From 03/05/2025 to 03/05/2025
The “Gran Fondo Internacional” is back


Torneo Ajedrez València
From 05/07/2025 to 13/07/2025
Tournament: “The Birthplace of Chess” in Valencia


Mediterránea Triatlón 2025 en València
From 20/09/2025 to 21/09/2025
Come to the Mediterranean Triathlon 2025 in Valencia


salida Media Maratón
From 26/10/2025 to 26/10/2025
Join us for the Trinidad Alfonso Zurich Half Marathon


Maratón Valencia Ciudad Running CAC
From 07/12/2025 to 07/12/2025
Enjoy the Trinidad Alfonso Zurich Marathon

LGBTIQ+ friendly venues

Destiny has brought you to a city that never sleeps. Discover the best nightlife venues that fly the rainbow flag.
Are you ready to boogie?​​​​​​​



Cómic Café

Calle Sueca, 33.
A pleasant place with a large terrace where you can watch the world go by... Very busy at weekends.

Pub La Seu

Call Centelles, 40
This atmospheric cocktail bar offers a delicious Agua de València.

La Boba y el Gato Rancio

Calle Cuba, 59
This stylish gay café-bar stands out for its open-air terrace. For a quiet night out.

Barberbirborbur Club

Mossèn Femenia, 15
Fun and gay-friendly dance club with DJ.

Picadilly Downtown Club

Tomassos, 12
Dance area with a diverse crowd and a casual atmosphere. Dance to the best indie, pop, rock, and disco hits.

Planet Valencia

Sueca, 63
The girls' bar par excellence. A perfect option for a drink in a relaxed atmosphere.


Café Trapezzio

Plaza del Músico López Chávarri 2
Gay-friendly café with a large terrace in the heart of the historic district of El Carme.

Cross Meeting Bar

C/ Juan de Mena, 7
A late-night bar for mixed age groups. Occasional live entertainment.

Café de las Horas

Conde de Almodóvar, 1
Combines old palatial stables with a baroque design in a cosmopolitan atmosphere. Cocktails, teas... and homemade cakes.


The Muse

Ruaya, 48
Music and drinks. For that last-but-one drink, or one for the road, before finishing off at Deseo 54.

Deseo 54

Pepita, 15
This is the LGBTi+ disco par excellence. Two atmospheres: international house and pop and commercial music.


Fetish Morning's Social Club

Sant Vicent Mártir, 386
Popular after party for the LGBTI+ crowd. Despite its name, it is not a fetish club. Mixed ages.


Avda. Maestro Rodrigo 13
Mediterranean cuisine restaurant with musical performances and drag shows during dinner time.
A selection of short and feature-length films with themes based on the different realities of sexual, gender and family diversity. In addition to screenings, this film festival organises parallel activities, such as writers' meetings, poetry recitals and workshops for children.
INFO Mostra la Ploma Festival
Agenda Valencia Gay fliendly
Valencia celebrates with Mediterranean noise, joy, and commitment the big day for asserting the rights and equality of those who make diversity their life choice. A big parade runs through the city’s main streets city and is followed by a festival until dawn. Come and join in!
Poster Moscas de colores
Do you want a protest T-shirt with great designs? Contact the Moscas de colores project and you can buy them. In this way, you will be supporting a local project that promotes sexual diversity and works on several fronts. On the one hand, it tries to raise awareness through the 42 illustrations on offer. On the other hand, it is working on the launch of an LGTBi+ encyclopaedia with more than 2200 entries.
INFO Coloured Flies
Programa colors al cercle
Colours al cercle is a project of the Museu Valencià de la Il-lustració i de la Modernitat, the Valencian Museum of the Enlightenment and Modernity, better known as the MuVIM, a different centre, which serves to organise a cycle of LGTBI+ events in Muviment, the museum's terrace. The diversity cycles are held every Tuesday afternoon.
INFO Colours at the cercle


Ciutat de les Arts
10 Essential places to visit
Barrio Carmen
Valencia Areas & Neighborhood
Niña turista con plano
A city for little tourists