Many couples who want to be parents but are unable to conceive look outside their home county to achieve their dream. Its legislation makes Spain a popular destination among Europeans to do so. In this regard, Valencia has much to offer, with fertility clinics specializing in assisted reproduction, in vitro fertilization, complex cases and male fertility problems, among other things.

Next Fertility
Next Fertility
detalle quirófano centro médico crea
Crea, Centro Médico De Reproducción Asistida
detalle del equipo de trabajo de juana crespo
Equipo Juana Crespo



Valencia is the ideal place to lead a healthy lifestyle, including sport, but that carries certain risks. For any ailment arising from physical activity, the city has medical centres and hospitals specializing in traumatology, rehabilitation and orthopaedics, with top-flight facilities in these disciplines.

edificio del hospital imske
Instituto Musculoesquelético Europeo (IMSKE)
mostrador de clínica quiron salud
Quirónsalud Valencia



Good oral and dental health is essential, but not everyone has access to dental treatment in their home country. More affordable prices, excellent professionals and financing options are just some of the factors that lead international patients to seek out dental clinics beyond their borders.

detalle sala espera clinica dental alboraya
Clínica Dental Alboraya 10



Medical excellence and price are among the reasons international patients seek out an ophthalmology clinic in a country other than their country of origin. In Valencia, we have well-respected professionals with more than enough training to tackle the pathologies involved in this discipline.

niña revision ocular
Innova Ocular Clínica Vila
Hospital Vithas 9 de Octubre
Hospital Vithas 9 de Octubre



Beauty and dermatology treatments are some of the most sought-after among Europeans. The importance of beauty and all anti-aging treatments is clear, and Valencia is more than prepared to respond to the needs of one of the most coveted specialities.  

Clínica Dermatológica Dr. Serrano
Clínica Dermatológica Dr. Serrano



Wellbeing has become an essential concept, important for both people with pathologies and those who want to prevent them. It is the perfect complement to any medical treatment, and Valencia has a number of options.

detalle baño turco en el centro de bienestar al amira
Centro de Bienestar Al Amira
nava thai colchonetas masajes
Nava Thai
Cobre 29 Massage
Cobre 29 Massage & Spa



Being over the recommended weight puts you at a greater risk of certain pathologies, including diabetes, heart disease and even some types of cancer. In Valencia, in addition to a healthy lifestyle and cuisine based on the Mediterranean diet, we have excellent professionals who can help you reduce the risks that result in overweight.

mostrador de clínica quiron salud
Quirónsalud Valencia



If you want to come to Valencia and suffer from chronic kidney disease you can enjoy your stay without worrying about it, since we have centers that specialize in this type of pathology. Don't let your kidney disease stop you from visiting us! 

Centro de diálisis Gamapal


dos deportistas practicando yoga al aire libre
Why come to Valencia for medical care
detalle material médico
Hospitals and Clinics in Valencia
consulta a paciente
Valencia Health