Crea, Centro Médico De Reproducción Asistida
Calle San Martín, 4 46003 València

TOURISTIC AREA: Historical center
CREA is an assisted reproduction medical center with more than 25 years of experience. We focus on quality in the practice of reproductive medicine, while being pioneers in the application of the most advanced assisted reproductive techniques. We have a multidisciplinary team in which, in addition to the techniques performed, we are specialized in the study and treatment of the male factor, for which we have our own line of research. Our attention is focused on the diagnosis and treatment of the couple and, both before, during and after treatment, we provide our patients with the therapeutic plans and support of our specialized psychology office. At CREA we were one of the first centers in Spain to obtain ISO 9001 quality certification for the entire organization, since we have controlled, standardized and protocolized processes to avoid the smallest error in all our treatments. We also have the UNE 179007 certification, specific for in vitro fertilization laboratories. And with our own egg donation programs, sperm bank and embryo bank, as well as our andrology, embryology and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGT) laboratories equipped with the most advanced technology which, with the preparation continuous of our professionals, allow us to offer one of the best success rates of our country.
- Schedule info Schedule: Monday to Thursday: 08:00 a.m. - 08:00 p.m. Friday: 08:00 a.m. - 06:00 p.m. Languages in which patients can be served: Spanish - English - French - Italian – Valencian Specialties: Male Factor Ovodonation In vitro fertilization / ICSI CLOTHING Method Reception of eggs from the couple Embryo Transfer Preservation of female and male fertility Artificial insemination Embryo culture Geri time lapse Fertilization failure study PGD - Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis Genetic Matching MACS - Magnetic Separation by Annex V Columns
Calle San Martín, 4 46003 València