Juan Uslé "Eye and landscape" Exhibition at Bombas Gens

Categories: exhibitions.

"Juan Uslé. Eye and landscape" is the title of this exhibition that you can visit at the Bombas Gens Art Centre.

An exhibition featuring a selection of works from different periods throughout the artist´s career.

This journey got underway at the end of the 80s when abstract expressionism and robust brushstrokes were all the rage.

Over the last decade, the artist, winner of The National Award for Plastic Arts, has been focusing on "I Dreamt That You Revealed", a series of self-portraits that represent Uslé´s most intimate work.

This exhibition dives into the artist´s works belonging to the Per Amor a l'Art Collection with the aim of supporting artists by holding solo exhibitions of their work.

More details here.

*Image credit: Juan Uslé, Location not identified, 1997. Per Amor a l'Art Collection © Juan Uslé / VEGAP, València, 2020 and esbaluard.org

More info.


  • Event dates
  • From:


  • To:


  • Place

    Av. de Burjassot, 54

How to arrive

  • Bus: 28, 94, 98.
31 Wed
35º 24º