parties and traditions

corpus valencia
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Corpus Christi celebrations: Event Schedule

parties and traditions

Batalla de Flores 2023 Alameda
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Battle of Flowers: A Colorful Finale for the Grand Fair

urban festival

sylphes ballet aéreo gran feria de valencia
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Inauguration Party of the Grand Fair of València


Tastarròs 2022
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Workshops, Showcookings, Gastronomy, and Music at TastArròs

urban festival

Open House Valencia 2024
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Discover the architecture of Valencia at Open House Valencia 2024


Culinary Festival València
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Enjoy fine cuisine at the Valencia Culinary Festival


Exposición surrealismo Museo Bellas Artes Valencia
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The Museum of Fine Arts celebrates the centenary of surrealism with a unique…


Titanic The Reconstruction València
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Titanic: the ship of dreams docks at the Ateneo


Gay games 2026
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The 12th edition of the Gay Games is coming to Valencia


Mujer bebiendo de una regadera
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"Valencia Design Fest" is born, filling the city with activities
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