Festivities and events on 9 October in Valencia

Categories: parties and traditions.

TOURISTIC AREA: Historical center

Enjoy an October 9 full of events to celebrate the entry into Valencia of King Jaime I.

In October, the city comes alive to commemorate the entry of King James I into Valencia. An annual festival that brings celebrations from October 1st to October 9th and will conclude in style—with a spectacular entrance of Moors and Christians!

If you want to know the complete schedule of this historical event, we show it below:

Friday, October 4th

New technologies are also joining the celebration of the traditional festival, and on the night of October 4th, from 9:30 p.m., a drone show will take place over the sky of La Marina de Valencia.

Saturday, October 5th

Don't miss the "Som de la Terreta" festival, aimed at all audiences and designed to highlight the cultural and musical diversity of the Valencian Community, in an environment combining the best of culture and entertainment at the City of Arts and Sciences.
From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., you can enjoy a wide variety of workshops, children's activities, and taste gastronomic products, and in the afternoon, starting at 4 p.m., the musical program will begin, featuring performances by Funzo and Baby Loud, Iñigo Quintero, Itaca Band, Maldita Nerea, Marlena, and Samurai.
Tickets for Som de la Terreta will cost two euros, which will be fully donated to a charity association to support its activities financially.

At 7 p.m., in the Iturbi Hall of the Palau de la Música, the Orquesta de València and the Chor des Bayerischen Rudfunks will perform Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 in D minor and Joaquín Rodrigo's "Fantasia para un gentilhombre." Free tickets, two per person, can be collected on the same day of the concert from 10:00 a.m., either in person at the Palau's box office or online through the website.

At 10:30 p.m., the participating videos in the first edition of the International Mapped Stories Competition, part of the Valencia International Children's Film Festival, will be projected on the Torre Vella of the Palau.

Sunday, October 6th

Music bands will take center stage on Sunday morning, October 6th, with concerts at 12 p.m. in the Plaza de la Virgen in Valencia.

Also at 12:00 p.m., the Valencian Federation of Moors and Christians will hold a musket parade through the Plaza del Mercado, Avenida de María Cristina, and Plaza del Ayuntamiento.

Tuesday, October 8th

The Crystal Hall of the Town Hall will host the "La nostra Senyera" exhibition from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Residents and visitors can enter the Town Hall to see the Senyera.

Additionally, at 7 p.m., 7:30 p.m., and 8:00 p.m., the Coral Polifónica Valentina will perform the "Cant a la Senyera" by Agustí Alaman and Carles Salvador in the Crystal Hall.

Also, at 7:30 p.m., the Valencian Community Folklore Federation will offer an exhibition of popular Valencian dances, music, and songs in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento. The event will feature the Cultural Association Vamos de Ronda de Navajas, the El Portitxol Dance Group from Xàbia, and the El Forcat Dance Group from Valencia. The event will conclude at 9 p.m. with a popular dansà.

At 7:30 p.m., the Iturbi Hall of the Palau de la Música will host a concert of Valencian music under the direction of Cristóbal Soler. Attendees will enjoy pieces such as Jardí del Túria by Pablo Bas, La fifre by Jesús Santandreu, Bruixes en l’horta by Miguel Asensi, Al-Buhayra by Jordi Peiró, Homage to Joaquín Sorolla by Bernardo Adam Ferrero, and De l'Horta a l’Albufera by Pau Chafer. Xavi de Bétera will also participate, performing "cant d’estil," along with piccolo player Paco Varoch. Free tickets, two per person, can be collected on the same day of the concert from 10:00 a.m., either in person at the Palau's box office or online through the website.

Between 9:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m., every 15 minutes, video mapping projections will be shown on the Torre Vella of the Palau de la Generalitat.

To close the eve of October 9th, there will be a fireworks display by the pyrotechnics group Hermanos Caballer at 11:59 p.m. on the Montolivet Bridge.

Wednesday, October 9th

The planned events will begin at 12 p.m. with the lowering of the Senyera, the Civic Procession, and a floral offering to James I the Conqueror in the Parterre Garden. The planned route will pass through the Plaza del Ayuntamiento, Calle de San Vicente, Plaza de la Reina, and the Cathedral of Valencia, where a tedeum will be held.

After the religious event, the procession will continue through the Plaza de l’Almoina, Calle de la Barchilla, Plaza de la Reina, Calle de la Paz, and Plaza de Alfons el Magnànim, arriving at the statue of James I. After the floral offering to the king, the Senyera will return through Calle del Pintor Sorolla, Calle de las Barcas, and back to Plaza del Ayuntamiento. Accompanying the Senyera will be the Russafa-fa Tabal and Dolçaina School, the mounted ceremonial police, and the city's drummers.

After the Civic Procession, Pyrotechnics Turís will fire a mascletà in Plaza del Ayuntamiento.

At 5 p.m., the twentieth entry of Moors and Christians of the city of Valencia will take place, passing through Glorieta, Calle de la Paz, Poeta Querol, Barcas, Plaza del Ayuntamiento, and Marqués de Sotelo. Beforehand, at 4:30 p.m., the Bajada de Gloria will be held, where the squads will follow the same route in reverse. The event is organized by the Valencian Federation of Moors and Christians.


Open Doors at the Palau de la Generalitat

From October 1st to 7th, the Palau de la Generalitat can be visited from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., where visitors can not only explore the Valencian Government headquarters but also enjoy an immersive experience with the pictorial works of the historic building: "The Water Court of Valencia" by Bernardo Ferrándiz, and "The Wound of King James in the Conquest of Valencia" by Salvador Martínez Cubells.

Palau de la Generalitat


And from the 4th to the 6th of this month, you will be able to taste the typical Sant Donís sweets at the "Gastroneta", which will be located on Calle Caballeros in Valencia, in front of the Palau, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.


Mazapanes San Dionis


Musicalized Guided Tour

On October 9th at 12:00 p.m., the Museum of History of Valencia offers "Melodies of the Past," a musicalized guided tour to transport you to the most emblematic moments of the city. You can reserve your spot by calling 📞 +34 963 701 105.





  • Event dates
  • From:


  • To:


  • Schedule info


    Fireworks Display

    • PMR Area Fireworks on October 8th at 11:59 p.m.

    • 11:59 p.m.: (Monteolivete Bridge, below Torre de Francia).


    • PMR Area Mascletà on October 9th at 2:00 p.m.

    • 2:00 p.m.: (Plaza del Ayuntamiento, corner of C/ La Sangre).

    Moors and Christians Parade

    • PMR Area for the Moors and Christians Parade on October 9th

    • 5:30 p.m.: (Plaza del Ayuntamiento, corner of C/ La Sangre).

    Only for People with Reduced Mobility and One Companion

    • It is recommended to bring a parasol or hat.

    • Companions should stand at the back to avoid obstructing the view of people with reduced mobility.

    • Capacity is limited, so please arrive with enough time in advance.

    • Please follow the instructions of the volunteers authorized by the General Directorate for People with Disabilities of the Valencia City Council.

  • Place


  • Price



Pl. de l'Ajuntament, 1, 46002 València, España

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14 Fri
16º 11º
Mazapanes San Dionis
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