Council School air-raid shelter

Arzobispo Mayoral, 1

TOURISTIC AREA: Historical center

As you may imagine, in Valencia there was a great deal of interest in building shelters close to schools … or directly inside them. 

This is the case of the Grupo Escolar del Ayuntamiento de València, a school which no longer exists. It had capacity for 700 people and built-in benches where the pupils could sit and wait for the danger to pass.  

It was made up of five spaces covered with low concrete vaulting, which also had toilets and electricity. 

Although some alterations were made in the 1950s, on the tour it is still possible to see what the shelter looked like in those days and imagine the schoolchildren spending time there until the danger was gone. 


  • Business schedule
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday: 10:00 to 14:00 and 15:00 to 19:00
  • Sunday, Public holidays: 10:00 to 13:30
  • Closing days: Monday
  • Schedule info
    • Type of tour: guided or self-guided

    • Guided tours
      Book your free guided tour by calling +34 962 081 390


Carrer de l'Arquebisbe Mayoral, 1, Valencia, Spain

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refugio antiaéreo calle alta exterior
Valencia's air-raid shelters
turistas visitando refugio bombas gens
Bombas Gens shelter
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