Albufera Natural Park


Pure nature 10 km away from the city, dreamy sunsets, boat rides and being able to completely switch off for a while. Like an oasis surrounded by rice fields and forests. We are obviously talking about La Albufera in Valencia. You should visit it if you want to understand the origins of Valencian cuisine. Why? You might ask. Could there be any better reason than the place where paella was invented?

Visit El Palmar and try some typical dishes, such as all-i-pebre and llisa adobada. Savour food in a new way by learning about its origins. Take a stroll along six of the possible walking routes within the nature park, discover the water birds and plants, and have a true fishing experience in the largest lake area in Spain. You will want to come back for more.


Parque Natural de la Albufera, España

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