Accessible beaches in Valencia

The beaches of La Malvarrosa, Cabanyal, and Pinedo are accessible and offer a wide range of resources to ensure everything everyone needs, especially those with disabilities.

Bathing Assistance Program

During the summer season, there is a bathing assistance service for people with disabilities, with a timetable that varies according to the season. Accessible points on these beaches include: 

  • Reserved and delimited area exclusively for people with disabilities. 

  • Amphibious chairs and crutches.

  • Lifting cranes and harnesses of different sizes.

  • Flotation devices.

  • Adapted public services: adapted public toilets. 

  • Directional signage for accessible points.

  • Other Accessibility Resources.

  • Information booklets in Braille.

  • Pavement, promenade and barrier-free sand. 

  • Adapted walkways with lateral bands in a color contrasting with the sand, leading to showers, foot washers, kiosks, and first aid posts.

  • Accessible promenade with signage for accessible routes.

  • Accessible ramps.

  • Street furniture and adapted posts.

  • Informative signage for accessible beaches.

Location of Accessible Points

Cabanyal beach: Health post 2, access by Pintor Ferrandis street at the police station. Local promenade.


Malvarrosa beach: Malvarrosa health post. Access along José Ballester Gozalvo street, at the Restaurant Nou casa Ripoll. 


Pinedo beach: Access at the health post in Pinedo, on the Montanares road, between the Abi restaurant and the Tropical restaurant.


Playas accesibles València


accesibilidad Valencia

Discover the accessible Guide of València. Discover the best adapted hotels, restaurants, museums and monuments. Leisure without barriers or limits in Valencia.

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The València's beaches route

They involve the Cabanyal, Malvarrosa and Patacona beaches, which between them they offer everything you need for your contentment over the length of their three and a half kilometres of fine, soft sand.

View more Valencia Beaches