
Music in the streets at Valencia’s Mediterranean Christmas
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Music in the streets at Valencia’s Mediterranean Christmas


Titanic The Reconstruction València
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Titanic: the ship of dreams docks at the Ateneo


El Mesias Palau Música Valencia .jpg
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Christmas at the Palau de la Música

with children

Palau Generalitat
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The Palau de la Generalitat opens its doors to celebrate the Fallas

urban festival

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Enjoy the experience of the Valencia Christmas Market

parties and traditions

un belén viviente 5
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Step into a living nativity scene in the port area


«Nadal en valencià» vuelve a San Miguel de los Reyes
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«Nadal en valencià» returns to San Miguel de los Reyes


Cascanueces | Lago de los Cisnes
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Swan Lake and the Nutcracker at the Palacio de Congresos


Concierto Navidad València 2023
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Valencia's most iconic Christmas concert is back

parties and traditions

Un grupo de personas paseando bajo luces de navidad
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Llums de Vivers offers a surprising light display
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