Environmental volunteering

Participates in sustainable initiatives in Valencia

València is a city that is committed to preserving the environment. There are many public and private bodies that promote ecological sustainability through voluntary actions. Their aim is to reduce waste, take care of natural spaces and educate citizens in values. Get to know these initiatives that we present you with here, there are many more and, if you feel like it and you can, collaborate with one of them.

sendero albufero de voluntariado ambiental



They aim to engage society as a whole in marine conservation, and to do so, they manage a network of volunteers in a variety of activities. During the summer, they manage the turtle camp to protect the nests of loggerhead turtles, which in recent years have chosen the Mediterranean coast as a nesting area. They also organise beach clean-ups and collaborate in regenerating the dunes around the El Saler Parador, in the heart of L'Albufera Natural Park, eliminating invasive species and planting native species. 



Every summer, the Red Cross organises its summer campaign to prevent forest fires in the Parc de la Devesa, which is part of Albufera Natural Park. It takes place on weekends from the beginning of June to mid-September. You can register by sending an email to devesa.voluntariado@cruzroja.es or by calling (+34) 963 60 62 11 



The BIOagradables Association is a group of volunteer environmental activists. Since 2012 their main activity has focused on organising monthly beach clean-ups, which they see as a tool for raising direct awareness of our impact on the natural environment. If you would like to be part of their action plan and start leaving the beaches spotless, let them know at info@bioagradables.org

As well as this, they organise talks and workshops on environmental education for schools (primary and secondary) and lectures for the general public.



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