Visit the giant Goya Award replicas

Categories: exhibitions.

TOURISTIC AREA: Historical center

For the first time ever, València is to host the Goya Awards Ceremony, which this year is in its 36th edition, on February 12th at the Palau de les Arts. For this reason, from February 4th, giant replicas of the Goya statuette, which represents the most important award in Spanish cinema, will be placed on display in various neighbourhoods around the city, made by fallero artists.

In total, there will be 12 giant ninots that you will be able to visit and pose for photos with, and they will be located in: Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències, Ciutat Vella, Olivereta-Nou Moles, Patraix, Extramurs-Arrancapins, Monteolivete, Ayora, Cabanyal-Canyamelar, Hort de Senabre-Creu Coberta, Orriols, Benicalap and Benimàmet.

Did you know that the original Goya Awards sculpture was created by the Valencian Mariano Benlliure? That’s another reason to see the spectacular replicas up close! In addition, on February 12th there will be celebratory concerts in the squares where the Goyas are located. With this initiative, València and its neighbourhoods celebrate the great day of Spanish cinema within the Berlanga Year, as until June we will be commemorating the centenary of the great Valencian director’s birth. Come and see it, and experience it live!


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