Teresa Lanceta comes to IVAM

Categories: exhibitions.

TOURISTIC AREA: Historical center

Teresa Lanceta, one of the pioneers of contemporary textile art, is coming to IVAM.

175 works in different formats - paintings, videos, audios, drawings, tapestries, writings and collaborations - come together in "Weaving as open source", the exhibit that spans the five decades of the Catalan artist's career.

In the first room hang two murals made over 40+ years with dozens of fabrics.

In the next one are the tapestries dedicated to the Middle Atlas, the place that inspired many of Lanceta’s creations.

We then find the projects dedicated to Spanish rugs of the 15th century.

Next, "El paso del Ebro" surprises the viewer with an exhibit that mixes three of the most diverse themes in a single piece: the battle of the Ebro, Teresa's childhood and her weekly trips to Barcelona.

Finally, "Weaving as open source" culminates in a space dedicated to Raval, the neighborhood that instilled the author's need to delve into what has been destroyed, broken and patched up.

You have until February 12 to enjoy this magnificent exhibit and get to know Lanceta's work in depth.

Are you going to miss out?


  • Event dates
  • From:


  • To:


  • Schedule info

    Tuesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.

  • Place

    Guillem de Castro, 118. València

  • Price



Carrer de Guillem de Castro, 118, València, España

Get directions

How to arrive

  • Underground: L1, L3.
  • Bus: 26, 95, C1, C2.
15 Wed