Muixerangues al Cel Exhibition at L’Etno

Categories: exhibitions.

Have you ever heard of muixerangues or mojigangas?

If the names are news to you, we can share that they refer to a traditional celebration which still remains alive today in some of Valencia’s villages.

So much so that in recent years, some twenty groups have been created with the firm goal of keeping this tradition going and making it known in every corner of the province.

And this is just what you’ll find at the ‘Muixerangues al Cel’ Exhibition, a journey through the dances and human towers featured at these festivals, which combine ‘tradition, heritage, diversity, integration, festivities, shared understanding, identity and culture’.

You can stop by and see the show until 26th September at L’Etno, the Valencian Museum of Ethnology. Tickets: €2


  • Price


How to arrive

  • Bus: 28, 95, C1.
08 Sun
33º 23º