The Masters’ Hockey European Cup is coming to Valencia

Categories: sport.


Europe's great hockey party in the masters’ category is being held this summer in Valencia

Listen up! The European Masters’ Hockey Championship in the male and female category is coming this summer to the city's four hockey fields: Verge del Carme - Beteró, Tarongers, Carrasca and Cheste.

The great field hockey sporting event of 2023 awaits more than 3,000 participants: from June 23 to July 1, the men's O65, O70 and O75 categories will compete, and from July 16 to 23, the women's O55, O60, O65 and O70, as well as the rest of the men's O55 and O60 groups.

This European competition will feature different teams from all over the continent, which will come to Valencia from France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Scotland, Wales, England, Belgium and, of course, Spain.

An event for locals and visitors alike that combines perfectly with the great weather and delicious cuisine of Valencia, don't you agree? Plus, admission to the games is free.

Let's go!


  • Event dates
  • From:


  • To:


  • Schedule info

    June 23 to July 1
    Men's categories O65, O70 and O75

    July 16 to 23
    Women's categories O55, O60, O65 and O70
    Men's categories O55 and O60

  • Price

    Entrada gratuita

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