Experimental fallas route

Categories: urban festival.

Learn about the fallas commissions that are

Experimental fallas are becoming increasingly prominent due to their uniqueness, their reliance on innovative and sustainable materials and their proposal for a more educational and reflective alternative to the classic monuments. 

This project emerged in the early 1990s following a competition organized by the City Council of Valencia. Ever since, they have been put forth as an alternative to the traditional falla: a more conceptual and less satirical work.

More and more commissions are opting for this type of work, seeking to invite residents and visitors to the party to reflect, giving way to other types of critiques and proposals for reflection that are more focused on global problems while using an innovative artistic language.

These are alternative monuments, with a different and occasionally interactive language, but never losing sight of the focus of this festival, which also opens up to and embraces modernity. 

While before, the fallas provided an instrument to criticize the political class, this approach opts for a perspective that delves into issues like climate change, machismo and immigration. 

Here is the list with the ten experimental fallas, for both the main and children’s monument, which you can visit this fallas season in the city of Valencia:

●    In the Plaça del Arbre falla, we find the works of Miguel Hache, "Se vende" (For sale) and the children's falls "En Caixa" (In the box).  
●    The Borrull Socors falla has titled both monuments "Que si vols arròs Catalina" (If you want rice, Catalina), and they are designed by Jaume Chornet, Leo Gómez and the commission. 
●    The Misser Rabassa falla also participates in this alternative with "Iaia Lolín" and the children's "Aprén", made by Juan Ruiz Recio and designed by Amparo Taconcitos. 
●    In the Lepanto-Guillem de Castro falla, the large one is by Anna Ruiz and is called "El banquet" (The Banquet), and the children's one, "Les ciutats visibles" (The Visible Cities), is by Ricard Balanzà.
●    The La Punta falla, entitled for both designs "Monadology", is by Alberto Ferrer. 
●   The large monument of the Plaça Patriarca Universitat Vella falla is entitled "1216" and the artist is Vicente Julián García Pastor; the children's one is by Fet D´Encàrrec and is called "Tic – tac...". 
●    In the Plaça Castielfabib falla we will find "Segons es mire" (As you look at it), made by Latorre and Sanz, designed by Anna Devís and Daniel Rueda. 
●    Ricardo Alcaide is the artist of the main one, "150 flames", and Julia Navarro of the children's one, "Flames i Niflames", the monuments of the Ribesan falla. 
●    Germans García Pérez made "Remitters i destinataris" (Senders and recipients) and "Unboxing", the fallas of the Plaza de Jesús commission.
●    And we close out the list with the Penya El Mocador commission, with Vicente Julián García Pastor making "#ODS" (#SDG) and Miguel Hache "#02", the main and children's fallas, respectively.

Include them in your route and then enjoy some nice fritters with chocolate.

Great plan for the fallas, right?


  • Event dates
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  • To:


14 Fri
16º 11º


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