Bioparc Valencia Information

Avenida Pío Baroja 3, 46015 - València

TOURISTIC AREA: Bioparc and Cabecera park


Congolese Gorillas, Madagascan Lemurs, Savannah Lions and Nile Hippos. There are close to a thousand animals of 150 different African species at Valencia’s Bioparc, with specially designed habitats to ensure their utmost well-being and comfort. Here the barriers are practically invisible. It aims to give visitors the chance to experience the African continent, and learn the importance of protecting natural environments.

Situated in Cabecera Park, within the former Turia riverbed, the Bioparc covers an area of over 100,000 m2 and is divided into four main areas. In the dry Savannah you can find rhinoceros, zebras, ostriches and hyenas, while the Wetlands house giraffes, antelopes, gazelles, meerkats and lions. The perfectly recreated baobab forest is home to a dozen elephants, one of the largest groups of the species in Spain.

The island of Madagascar is certainly worth a visit as you are able to get up close and personal with the lemurs, who often climb down the branches of the trees to greet you. A re-creation of the Kitum cave is home to hippopotamus and crocodiles. In the forests of Equatorial Africa, visitors will encounter pythons, otters, leopards and gorillas, one of the park’s biggest attractions. The Bioparc’s many rivers are full of fish.

There is also has an amphitheatre, with a capacity of 1,000 people, offering displays of birds and marine mammals. Th e family leisure zone boasts an indoor restaurant, with a large outdoor terrace overlooking the African savannah. The complex first opened its doors in 2008 and there are long term expansion plans for both Asian and American habitats.

The park is open 365 days a year from 10:00 to 18:00. From April to September opening hours are extended to 20:00 and 21:00. Ticket offices close half an hour before park closing time, but tickets can also be purchased by phone or online. Ticket prices are 23,80 euros for adults and 18 euros for children (under the age of 12). 



  • Schedule info

    OPENING TIMES:​The Bioparc is open 365 days a year and its opening hours will change depending on the daylight hours in the different months of the year. The tickets offices will remain open from 10am until 1 hour before the Bioparc closes.

    Winter and autumn: from 10am to 6pm

    Summer and spring: 10am to 8pm

    Consult the opening times here


Avenida Pío Baroja, 3, 46015, Valencia, España

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favourite card

Open every day of the year


Bioparc Valencia Tickets
favourite card
Pack 72 horas Bioparc
Price from €105.70 €82.10
Valencia Tourist Card 72 hours and Entry to Oceanogràfic, Science Museum, Hemisfèric and Bioparc